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Multifunctionality and provision of ecosystem services by livestock species and breeds at global level

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G. Leroy, P. Boettcher, F. Joly, C. Looft and R. Baumung

Beyond providing food, livestock species are linked to a wide range of uses and ecosystem services (ESs). Based on information reported by 41 countries on 3 361 national breed populations to the Domestic Animal Diversity Information System of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, we investigated how factors such as species, region, breed adaptedness, or management system associate with the recognition of provision of a set of 52 ESs. Among species, a greater number of cultural ESs were reported for horses (2.47 for horses vs 0.75 on average across all species), while the major ruminant species (cattle, goats and sheep) were on average associated with more provisioning ESs (2.99 vs 2.39), and more regulating and maintenance ESs (1.86 vs 1.32). Compared to European breeds, African livestock contribute more provisioning ES (3.95 vs 1.88). Native breeds and, to a lesser extent, locally adapted breeds, were linked to more ESs than were exotic breeds (5.97 and 4.10 vs 2.90, respectively), regardless of the ES category considered. The total number of ES reported was greater for breeds primarily kept under Back Yard/Farm Yard and extensive management systems than in other production environments. Different “bundles” of ES were identified in relation to the interdependence among themselves, or according to species or regional specificities. Overall, our results highlight that native and locally adapted breeds, which tend to be raised in less specialized production systems than exotic breeds, are reported to play multiple roles contributing to rural community livelihoods and environmental sustainability of food systems.