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Funding Animal Healthcare Systems: Mechanisms and Options

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Health & Diseases
Type of Risk:
Biological & environmental
Riviere-Cinnamond, A.

Consumer-driven demand for meat and dairy products is driving an increase in livestock production and demand for improved animal healthcare services. These must be effective, affordable and accessible to ensure a profitable livestock sector. Especially important are the needs of poor livestock keepers who may have no other means of livelihood and who, following privatisation, may have become excluded from animal healthcare services.

The author discusses the process of collecting revenue from sources ranging from individual households to foreign governments through, for example, direct and indirect taxation, fees and user charges, compulsory or private insurance contributions, levies, and international loans or grants. Mechanisms for pooling funds, distributing them, and providing services are also described in some detail. Useful comparisons are made with the funding and provision of human healthcare services. Animal healthcare services are usually funded from a mix of sources and some sources will be more directly linked to effective and fair service provision than others. Many practical examples of funding mechanisms are given, and their impact on service provision is described.

A two-page executive summary is also available in addition to this paper.