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Cultivating change with agroecology and organic agriculture in the tropics

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Focus Region:
Asia and the Pacific
Latin America & the Caribbean
Sub-Saharan Africa
Focus Topic:
Agricultural Value Chains / Agri-Businesses
(Editors) Lauren Dietemann, Laura Kemper, Elsa Kanner, Beate Huber (all FiBL)

Agroecology and organ agriculture present promising alternatives to the current food system, supported by a growing body of evidence. Despite the potential of AE/O, their full benefits cannot be realised in most countries due to political and institutional barriers and lock-ins, including incentives and funding that favour “business as usual” food systems. Overcoming present and future challenges will require educated and empowered stakeholders to support AE/O agriculture in their fields.

This policy dossier aims to present decision and policymakers and experts in the context of international cooperation with scientific evidence on how AE/O approaches can contribute to a beneficial transformation of production systems in the Tropics.