This report presents the initial results from a comparative costing exercise for Uganda. It takes as it starting point the area extending to 40,000 km2 initially targeted by PATTEC for the creation of a tsetse-free zone in south eastern Uganda, located in a crescent around Lake Victoria’s north-western shore and extending to cover the southern part of the Lake Kyoga basin. In this area the predominant fly is Glossina fuscipes fuscipes and some areas have also been shown to have localised infestations of G. pallidipes (Magona et al., 2005, Waiswa et al., 2006). Using the most recent census data for Uganda, the core infested area of 20,000 km2 along Lake Victoria was estimated to contain some 750,000 cattle and 4.9 million rural inhabitants, more than half of whom (2.6 million) subsist on less than $1 a day.
A two page executive summary is also available in addition to this paper.