Post COP28 Priorities for Advancing Food Systems Transformation

Mar 27, 2024 (concluded)
Hosted by
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security|International Food Policy Research Institute|German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
For Support
Focus topic
Nutrition / Food Systems
Focus region


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Held in 2023, the planet’s hottest year on record, COP28 has been heralded for its strong focus on food systems, which are simultaneously threatened by and contribute to climate change. The COP28 Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action, albeit non-binding, but endorsed by almost 160 countries, emphasizes the transformative potential of agriculture and food systems in responding to climate change and ensuring global food security.

Insufficient climate finance represents a significant barrier to achieving climate-resilient and low-emission food systems. Given that smallholders produce the majority of the global food supply, special attention to their finance needs is critical.

As the fifth policy seminar in the CGIAR series on Strengthening Food Systems Resilience, this virtual event will take stock of food systems–related outcomes from COP28 and outline priorities for advancing them at both the international and country level in a concrete and meaningful manner.

More information here


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Held in 2023, the planet’s hottest year on record, COP28 has been heralded for its strong focus on food systems, which are simultaneously threatened by and contribute to climate change. The COP28 Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems and Climate Action, albeit non-binding, but endorsed by almost 160 countries, emphasizes the transformative potential of agriculture and food systems in responding to climate change and ensuring global food security.

Insufficient climate finance represents a significant barrier to achieving climate-resilient and low-emission food systems. Given that smallholders produce the majority of the global food supply, special attention to their finance needs is critical.

As the fifth policy seminar in the CGIAR series on Strengthening Food Systems Resilience, this virtual event will take stock of food systems–related outcomes from COP28 and outline priorities for advancing them at both the international and country level in a concrete and meaningful manner.

More information here


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