Demonstrating impact: how to monitor and evaluate gender-responsive Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance?

Oct 14, 2020 (concluded)
Hosted by
Forum for Agricultural Risk Management in Development|The InsuResilience Global Partnership
For Support
Focus topic
Climate / Weather / Environment, Gender / Youth / Social Inclusion, Institutions / Organizations, Knowledge Management, Other
Focus region


+++ About the webinar +++


Gender-responsive Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI) seeks to provide financial protection that addresses differences in women and men’s vulnerability to both climate and disaster-induced losses and damages both economically and socially. Currently the InsuResilience Global Partnership (the Partnership) Gender Working Group has identified the lack of sufficient sex-disaggregated data of clients, staff and members, and a lack of data on the gender differential impacts of CDRFI coverage and payouts of existing solutions; including lack of collection and analysis of information of rural poor men and women trained in financial literacy, accessing training and use of insurance products and services.

Furthermore, it identified scarce guidance to support the effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the impact of such schemes, as well as a gap in the documentation of existing examples of good practice. This is in a context where there is a clear commitment from donors and implementing partners, but a recognised knowledge gap exists in how gender-responsive M&E could both demonstrate and improve the impact of solutions towards addressing gender-specific differences in vulnerability.

As such, there is an opportunity for members of the Partnership and the wider CDRFI community to share examples of existing gender-responsive approaches in M&E of CDRFI activities, as well as challenges and opportunities to improve measurement of gender impacts at different phases of the programme cycle in the implementation of CDRFI. Further, there are very specific gender considerations needed at diverse phases of the data collection process. These range from setting baselines, the design of indicators, methodologies for data collection and ongoing measurements, to analysing and using M&E outputs to enhance the gender-responsiveness of solutions and to clearly demonstrate impact for all groups of people.

Only through a comprehensive and gender-responsive approach to monitoring the performance (during implementation) and evaluating results (during implementation and after closing) of CDRFI interventions would diverse stakeholders be able to understand whether the actions taken are effectively responding to the vulnerabilities of all sexes and are having the intended impact.


This webinar builds on the “LIVE TALK 01: Integrating gender-responsive strategies into climate and disaster risk finance and insurance solutions“, which was held on 3 June 2020.

The objectives of the LIVE TALK 02 are:

  • Identifying existing approaches, challenges and opportunities for the monitoring and evaluation of gender-responsive CDRFI at different stages of project design and implementation;
  • Gathering input for the development of practitioner-driven guidance on designing indicators, collecting and analysing sex-disaggregated and gender data to determine and increase the gender impacts of solutions and distill principles and criteria useful for M&E;
  • Informing the development of a guidance note, commissioned by the InsuResilience Gender Working Group, on how to incorporate gender-responsive dimensions within monitoring and evaluation processes, which could be used by members of the Partnership and the broader CDRFI network.

This session is divided into two panel discussions:

Session 1: Discussion on existing practices, challenges, lessons learned, support tools and gaps in the M&E of CDRFI schemes at different phases of scheme design and implementation. The discussion will focus on data needs in the design of CDRFI schemes; gender and sex-disaggregated data collection priorities at each stage of the project life cycle, including what indicators can support gender-responsive M&E. Moreover, panellists will explore how innovative new approaches to data collection can support gender-responsive M&E.

Session 2: Discussion on the different methodological approaches that can be used to measure the gender impact of the diverse types of CDRFI solutions and macro, meso and micro-level CRI scheme payouts. This session will consider impact measurement lessons from gender-responsive national adaptation and resilience strategic frameworks and other policy areas.

For more information on the previous Live Talk ‘Integrating gender-responsive strategies into climate and disaster risk finance and insurance solutions’, please follow the links to a recording and a report.

Explore the other session of the series:


+++ About the webinar+++


Gender-responsive Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI) seeks to provide financial protection that addresses differences in women and men’s vulnerability to both climate and disaster-induced losses and damages both economically and socially. Currently the InsuResilience Global Partnership (the Partnership) Gender Working Group has identified the lack of sufficient sex-disaggregated data of clients, staff and members, and a lack of data on the gender differential impacts of CDRFI coverage and payouts of existing solutions; including lack of collection and analysis of information of rural poor men and women trained in financial literacy, accessing training and use of insurance products and services.

Furthermore, it identified scarce guidance to support the effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of the impact of such schemes, as well as a gap in the documentation of existing examples of good practice. This is in a context where there is a clear commitment from donors and implementing partners, but a recognised knowledge gap exists in how gender-responsive M&E could both demonstrate and improve the impact of solutions towards addressing gender-specific differences in vulnerability.

As such, there is an opportunity for members of the Partnership and the wider CDRFI community to share examples of existing gender-responsive approaches in M&E of CDRFI activities, as well as challenges and opportunities to improve measurement of gender impacts at different phases of the programme cycle in the implementation of CDRFI. Further, there are very specific gender considerations needed at diverse phases of the data collection process. These range from setting baselines, the design of indicators, methodologies for data collection and ongoing measurements, to analysing and using M&E outputs to enhance the gender-responsiveness of solutions and to clearly demonstrate impact for all groups of people.

Only through a comprehensive and gender-responsive approach to monitoring the performance (during implementation) and evaluating results (during implementation and after closing) of CDRFI interventions would diverse stakeholders be able to understand whether the actions taken are effectively responding to the vulnerabilities of all sexes and are having the intended impact.


This webinar builds on the “LIVE TALK 01: Integrating gender-responsive strategies into climate and disaster risk finance and insurance solutions“, which was held on 3 June 2020.

The objectives of the LIVE TALK 02 are:

  • Identifying existing approaches, challenges and opportunities for the monitoring and evaluation of gender-responsive CDRFI at different stages of project design and implementation;
  • Gathering input for the development of practitioner-driven guidance on designing indicators, collecting and analysing sex-disaggregated and gender data to determine and increase the gender impacts of solutions and distill principles and criteria useful for M&E;
  • Informing the development of a guidance note, commissioned by the InsuResilience Gender Working Group, on how to incorporate gender-responsive dimensions within monitoring and evaluation processes, which could be used by members of the Partnership and the broader CDRFI network.

This session is divided into two panel discussions:

Session 1: Discussion on existing practices, challenges, lessons learned, support tools and gaps in the M&E of CDRFI schemes at different phases of scheme design and implementation. The discussion will focus on data needs in the design of CDRFI schemes; gender and sex-disaggregated data collection priorities at each stage of the project life cycle, including what indicators can support gender-responsive M&E. Moreover, panellists will explore how innovative new approaches to data collection can support gender-responsive M&E.

Session 2: Discussion on the different methodological approaches that can be used to measure the gender impact of the diverse types of CDRFI solutions and macro, meso and micro-level CRI scheme payouts. This session will consider impact measurement lessons from gender-responsive national adaptation and resilience strategic frameworks and other policy areas.

For more information on the previous Live Talk ‘Integrating gender-responsive strategies into climate and disaster risk finance and insurance solutions’, please follow the links to a recording and a report.

Explore the other session of the series:


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