5:00 pm

Leveraging CGIAR Technologies for Agricultural Transformation: Collaboration between the African Development Bank and One CGIAR

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Hosted by:
African Development Bank Group
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Agriculture remains a cornerstone of Africa’s economy, providing livelihoods for most of the population and serving as a critical economic growth and food security sector. The African Development Bank (AfDB) has long been committed to supporting agricultural transformation globally, recognizing its pivotal role in driving sustainable development. Similarly, One CGIAR, a global research partnership for a food-secure future, has been at the forefront of agricultural research and innovation, working to address some of the most pressing challenges facing agriculture in Africa.

CGIAR centres are agricultural R&D powerhouses located in countries across the African continent. They focus on enhancing food and nutrition security, reducing poverty, and improving natural resources and ecosystem services. They are critical to achieving food security on the continent, just as their counterparts in Southeast Asia and Latin America were key to accelerating agricultural growth and food self-sufficiency.

Given the context above, taking stock of the progress, challenges, and opportunities toward leveraging the synergies for agricultural transformation and collaboration between the African Development Bank and One CGIAR is imperative.

The side event will discuss how to ensure the successful adoption and adaptation of CGIAR technologies for lasting impact, to address the pressing challenges facing African agriculture through collective action and sustained commitment.

Focus Region:
Middle East & North Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Focus Topic:
Information Technologies