Global Agriculture and Food Security Program


Organization type
Development / multilateral agency
Focus topic
  • Agricultural Value Chains / Agri-Businesses
  • Capacity Development
  • Climate / Weather / Environment
  • Gender / Youth / Social Inclusion
  • Knowledge Management
  • Land / Water / Resource Management
  • Market / Trade
  • Nutrition / Food Systems
  • Rural Finance / Insurance
Focus region

The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) was launched in 2010 by the G20, in response to the 2007-08 food price crisis, to increase both public and private investments in agriculture. It provides additional financial and technical resources designed to reduce poverty, hunger, and malnutrition, and supports resilient and sustainable agriculture systems in low-income countries.

In the face of the dual challenges of climate change and food security, GAFSP’s mandate is as relevant today as it was a decade ago. Today, GAFSP is recognized as key global financing vehicle for catalytic investments across the entire agriculture value chain. By investing in smallholder farmers and their communities, GAFSP is helping progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG2 (Zero Hunger).

GAFSP pools donor funds and allocates it where it is most needed and most likely to make a large impact. GAFSP finances technically sound, inclusive projects in line with country priorities and private sector opportunities. GAFSP reinforces country ownership and country-led development and channels its investments through established, multilateral agencies that have the necessary expertise and proven sectoral experience to guide projects to success.

GAFSP projects are led by governments, private sector, and civil society organizations (CSOs). To ensure quality, GAFSP has partnered with the world’s leading development institutions to enable access to their experience, capacity and quality, and to assist participants in preparing, implementing, and coordinating relevant and successful projects. GAFSP participants select the expert partner they would like to work with to meet their national goals.

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Development / multilateral agency
Development / multilateral agency
Development / multilateral agency
Development / multilateral agency
Non-Profit Organization