The Agreenium Alliance was created on January 1 2021 with the ambition of bringing together French expertise in training and research for agriculture, food, the environment and global health at the best international level.
Coming from the IAVFF-Agreenium (the agronomic, veterinary and forestry institute of France), it brings together, on a voluntary basis, most of the public higher education establishments and research organizations placed under the supervision of the minister responsible for agriculture : AgroParisTech, AgroSup Dijon, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, ENVT, INRAE, Institut Agro, Oniris, Vet AgroSup, joined by Cirad, Toulouse INP-ENSAT, ENSAIA and ENSTIB.
Supported by the ministries in charge of agriculture, food, higher education and research, this new form of organization, supported by a coordination unit hosted by INRAE, will make it possible to continue the action of the Agreenium collective. in a more agile and more efficient form.