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Review of changes in domestic cereal prices during the global price spikes

AMIS aims at improving the collection of statistics on various aspects of the national food economy and […]

Livelihood Security Climate Change, Migration and Conflict in the Sahel

Aimed at supporting policy and decision-makers in the Member States of the region, adaptation and peacebuilding practitioners worldwide, […]

Catastrophic Drought Insurance based on the Remotely Sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index for Smallholder Farmers in Zimbabwe

Index insurance, which indemnifies agricultural producers based on an objectively observable variable that is highly correlated with […]

Pastoral Mobility Optimization based on a Mobile Geographic Information System (GIS) for Rural Development

This paper explores the use of mobile Geographic Information System (GIS) computing in its application in water point […]

Coping with Drought The Case of Poor Farmers of South Iran

The slow-onset disasters, like drought, consistently deplete farmers’ resources at a faster rate than they can […]

Mainstreaming Drought Risk Management: A Primer

The overall purpose of this Primer is to provide a basic roadmap for mainstreaming DRM into development […]

Review and Analysis of Existing Drought Risk Reduction Policies and Programmes in Kenya

A draft National Disaster Management Policy / Strategy for Kenya and a draft Arid and Semi-Arid Lands […]

Fighting Hunger in a Changing Climate: How Can Agriculture Respond?

Climate change is a major threat to sustainable food security. Temperatures are rising, precipitation patterns are changing, and […]

Coping with Drought and Climate Change in Ethiopia

Vulnerability analyses for Ethiopia suggest that environmental changes over the coming decades present a serious threat to […]

Food-security assessments in emergencies: a livelihoods approach

This paper describes the theory and practice of Oxfam GB’s livelihoods approach to assessing food security in emergencies. […]

HARVIST: A System for Agricultural and Weather Studies Using Advanced Statistical Methods

Remote sensing instruments in Earth orbit provide a rich source of information about current agricultural conditions. Observed over […]

Geospatial Climate Data

In recent years, plot specific crop models have been adapted to national and regional scales to aid […]

Biotechnology in Agriculture: Implications for Farm-Level Risk Management

This study examines the risks associated with adoption of biotech crops and discusses their implications for risk […]

Weather-Based Pest Risk Mapping Project: Final Report

The NCSU/APHIS Plant Pest Forecast System (NAPPFAST) is an internet tool for plant pest modeling using […]

Economics of Sugarcane Production in Pakistan: A Price Risk Analysis

The paper examined the economics of sugarcane production and its competitiveness in the up-and-coming open trade economy. […]

Modelling production risk in small scale subsistence agriculture

In this paper we are investigating how production risk may influence the way a risk averse […]

Valuing Weather Information in Irrigated Agriculture

Weather information is, and will continue to be, an important input into management the decisions of many human […]

Using the Spatial Data of Agroclimatic Elements and Soil to Define the Suitable Lands for some Industrial Crops in Tay Nguyen Highland of Vietnam

This report will present interpolation method to develop the spatial data that include temperature-related data, rainfall-related data […]

Dealing with Climatic Risk in Agricultural Research: A Case Study Modelling Maize in Semi-arid Kenya

Rainfall variability is a dominant feature of crop production in semi-arid regions. Soil fertility is also a […]

Increasing resilience and reducing vulnerability in sub-Saharan African agriculture: Strategies for risk coping and management

The agricultural sector in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) continues to be confronted with multiple shocks and crises, threatening […]