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Transportation and Logistics in Brazilian Agriculture

Transportation infrastructure can determine the competitive success of an agricultural enterprises or entire agricultural sector. The […]

RFID-enabled quality controlled logistics as a tool to improve the sustainability of chilled produce distribution and supply chains: a critical analysis based on the features of actual international supply chain

Considered is the sustainability of chilled produce distribution and supply chains. A technique known as Quality […]

Coffee Yield [Productivity] and Production in Uganda: Is it Only a Function of GAP and Diseases?

Over the last decade efforts by government, several development partners and private sector have been geared […]

Strengthening Global Agricultural Monitoring: Improving Sustainable Data for Worldwide Food Security & Commodity Market Transparency

This is a proposal to “The G20 Global Agricultural Monitoring” initiative, held in May 2011. The […]

Climate change and transboundary pests and diseases

Countries spend large sums of money to eradicate and control animal and plant diseases and pests. […]

IPM Learning and Practicing Guide on Farmer-to-Farmer Dissemination of Bean IPM Technologies: Approach, Processes and Tools

This guide was required by CIAT Africa office as a tool for Bean Integrated Pest Management […]

Pest and Disease Management: Cameroon

Tjs presentation is targeted on the promotion of sustainable arabica production in the Northwest Region of […]

Status and Strategic Research Challenges in Cocoa and Coffee Pest Management

Pests and diseases are key constraints to both coffee and cocoa production. I cannot, in the […]


Coffee is the name give to several species of plant in the genus Coffea (family Rubiaceae), including C. arabica and C. […]

Integrated pest management of coffee for small-scale farmers in East Africa: needs and limitations

Coffee in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda) is an important cash and export crop for […]

Development of Coffee IPM Components in Kenya

The objective of this project was to enable the development of holistic and integrated insect pest […]

Biological Monitoring of Arabica Coffee Pests in the Mt. Elgon Area

This presentation details a program to develop an integrated pest management (IPM) research program for major […]

Coffee pest and disease management options for smallholders in Malawi

The main source of income for up to 9000 smallholders in northern Malawi is coffee, yields […]

Pests and Diseases of Coffee in Eastern Africa: A Technical and Advisory Manual

Over the last two decades the level of coffee production has gradually increased, largely due to […]

The Effects of Climate Change on Pests and Diseases of Major Food Crops in the Asia Pacfic Region

This project investigated the impact of climate change on an important disease of potato, Late Blight, […]

Three planks in ecological engineering for rice pest management

The rice ecosystem, especially in the tropics, is a usually richly endowed with a great diversity […]

Rice planthopper problems and relevant causes in China

The new development of three rice planthopper species, including small rice planthopper, brown planthopper, and whitebacked […]

Insect Pest Management in Tropical Asian Irrigated Rice

Abundant natural enemies in tropical Asian irrigated rice usually prevent signi?cant insect pest problems. Integrated pest […]

Knowledge through participation: the triumphs and challenges of transferring Integrated Pest and Disease Management (IPDM) technology to cocoa farmers in Papua New Guinea

Income from cocoa is the main source of cash used to purchase food and services in […]

The Symptom and Genetic Diversity of Cassava Brown Streak Viruses Infecting Cassava in East Africa

The genetic and symptom diversity of six virus isolates causing cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) in […]