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Arresting the ‘mile a minute’ weed

The ‘mile a minute weed’ Mikania micrantha is plant species which strangles forest and crops plants […]

Assessing and addressing climate-induced risk in Sub-Saharan Rainfed Agriculture

Rainfed agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is the mainstay of the continent’s food and feed production. […]

Assessing Policy Responses to the Threat of Contagious Diseases of Animal Origin

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) associated with the H5N1 virus strain is now endemic in the […]

Assessment and comparison of AFLP and SSR based molecular genetic diversity in Indian isolates of Ascochyta rabiei, a causal agent of Ascochyta blight in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

Ascochyta blight (AB), caused by Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Labr. (anamorph), is the most damaging disease of […]

Aquaculture in small-scale farmer-managed irrigation systems

NB. The pdf associated with this document appears to be an updated version of an earlier […]

Are source and sink strengths genetically linked in maize plants subjected to water deficit? A QTL study of the responses of leaf growth and of Anthesis-Silking Interval to water deficit

Leaf growth and Anthesis-Silking Interval (ASI) are the main determinants of source and sink strengths of […]

Approach for Evaluating the Impact of HPAI Control Options

This report discusses a) the role of the synthesis analysis and the steps that will take […]

Appropriate diagnostic systems for less developed countries

Strategies for effective diagnostic systems appropriate to plant pathology in less developed countries are presented. The […]

Application of genetic techniques for the production of monosex male tilapia in aquaculture: Early experiences from the Philippines

This conference paper outlines the need for and the production of genetically male tilapia for intensive […]

Aphanomyces invadans in Atlantic Menhaden along the East Coast of the United States

The cause of deeply penetrating ulcers of Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus has been the subject of […]

Aphanomyces invaderis sp. nov., the fungal pathogen of freshwater tropical fish affected by epizootic ulcerative syndrome

Apparent absence of viruses in most symptomless field-grown sweet potato in Uganda

Symptomless sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) plants obtained from farmers’ fields in each of the main sweet […]

Aphanomyces as a Cause of Ulcerative Skin Lesions of Menhaden from Chesapeake Bay Tributaries

During the summer and fall of 1997, an unusually high prevalence of skin lesions in fishes […]

Analysis of DNA relationships among Aeromonas species by RAPD (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA) typing

Genetic differences between a collection of aeromonads were studied in two laboratories by analysis of randomly […]

Analysing Farmer Decision-Making in Pest Management

This study was funded by the Crop Protection Programme (CPP) of the Department for International Development […]

Analysis and modelling of the temporal spread of African cassava mosaic virus and implications for disease control

This paper reports the main conclusions of a series of experiments concluded at Adiopodoume in the […]

An Integrated Adaptation and Mitigation Framework for Developing Agricultural Research: Synergies and Trade-Offs.

Global food security is under threat by climate change, and the impacts fall disproportionately on resource-poor […]

An investigation of pesticide and microbial interactions on coffee as a means of developing an IPM strategy for economically important coffee pests in small-holder farming systems in Malawi. Final Technical Report, Project R6807.

This project was conducted in Malawi to obtain baseline data on the main pests and diseases […]

An overview of sorghum and millet production and utilisation in Zimbabwe’s semi-arid smallholder sector.

An ovine major histocompatibility complex DRBI allele is associated with low faecal egg counts following natural, predominantly Ostertagia circumcincta infection

Infection with Ostertagia circumcincta is a major constraint on sheep production in temperate areas of the […]