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Detection and differentiation of isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides using PCR

An oligonucleotide primer (CgInt), synthesised from the variable internally transcribed spacer (ITS) 1 region of ribosomal […]

Design and Formative Evaluation of an Information Kiosk on Cattle Health for Landless Cattle Owners

This paper describes and analyses the experience of designing, installing and evaluating a farmer-usable touch screen […]

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Current Knowledge of Coffee Wilt Disease, a Major Constraint to Coffee Production in Africa

Coffee is vital to the economy of East and Central Africa, providing a major source of […]

Crops for the Future Strategic Plan 2009-2013

Crops for the Future is an organisation dedicated to the promotion of neglected and underutilised plant […]

Culture filtrate proteins of Dermatophilus Congo Republiclensis

In previous studies on the antigens of Dermatophilus Congo Republiclensis very little attention has been given […]

Credit and know-how boost farm incomes – Validated RNRRS Output

This is one of 280 summaries describing key outputs from the projects run by DFID’s 10-year […]

Lesson learning study from the Vegetable Cluster with special emphasis on the links with the private sector

A lesson learning study on the Crop Protection Programme’s cluster of vegetable projects in East Africa […]

Cottoning on to IPM

Cotton in Uganda is a smallholder enterprise and average yields fall well below the potential of […]

Costs and Benefits of HPAI Prevention and Control Measures: A Methodological Review

A number of empirical and theoretical contributions for analyzing costs and benefits of control and prevention […]

Costs of HPAI outbreaks in West Bengal, India

During the recent outbreaks of HPAI in West Bengal about 6.65 million poultry have been culled […]

Cost benefit analysis of sweetpotato-based on-farm enterprises in Central Uganda

A Cost/Benefit Analysis (CBA) was conducted to determine the viability of sweetpotato post-harvest technologies introduced by […]

Control of Trypanosome Brucei infections in tsetse

Numbers of immature Trypanosoma brucei brucei within a tsetse midgut remain remarkably constant after establishment throughout […]

Control of Phytophthora megakarya diseases of cocoa with phosphonic acid

This project was directly concerned with the development and evaluation of an operator-safe fungicide and application […]

Control of cassava virus diseases in eastern and southern Africa

The project purpose was to contribute to the sustainability of rural livelihoods in coastal areas of […]

Control of Amblyomma variegatum and dermatophilosis on local and exotic breeds of cattle in Ghana

The occurrence of dermatophilosis on cattle in the tropics is closely associated with infestation byAmblyomma variegatum ticks. […]

Control of Bacterial Disease in Small Scale Fresh-Water Aquaculture

The work presented here represents an 18-month study to examine the relationship between environmental conditions, bacterial […]

Constraints on agricultural production in Gomoa, Central Region, with particular emphasis on maize. University of Wales, Bangor, UK.

Conservation tillage management for marginal small farm systems in Zimbabwe

This document represents the final report of NRSP project R4840, ‘Conservation tillage management for marginal small […]

Conservation of Neutralizing Determinants between the Sporozoite Surface Antigens of Theileria annulata and Theileria parva

The sporozoite surface antigens SPAG-1 of Theileria annulata and p67 of Theileria parva are postulated to […]