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Heligmosomoides polygyrus and Trypanosoma Congo Republiclense infections in mice: a laboratory model for concurrent gastrointestinal nematode and trypanosome infections

A murine model using Heligmosomoides polygyrus and Trypanosoma Congo Republiclense has been developed for studying the […]

Harvesting Red Gold in Afghanistan

Some 50,000 years ago it was used in cave paintings and 5000 years ago traders brought […]

Haematological changes in sheep experimentally infected with Trypanosoma evansi

Sheep were infected with Trypanosoma evansi TREU 2143 through the external jugular vein. The parasite kinetics […]

Growth rates of suramin-sensitive and resistant Trypanosoma evansi

Guiding the sustainable management of rice landscapes in the uplands

In the upper catchments of the Mekong and Red River basins, improving the productivity of rice […]

Growth and Social Protection Working Paper 04. Agriculture and Social Protection in Ghana

Ghana was one of the first countries in Africa to embark on structural adjustment reforms. 25 […]

Growth of Cowdria ruminantium, the causative agent of heart water, in a tick cell line

The tick-borne rickettsia Cowdria ruminantium has been propagated continuously for over 500 days in the Ixodes […]

Agriculture and Social Protection in Ethiopia

Government strategies to promote social protection and agricultural development in Ethiopia are closely intertwined. Interventions such […]

Agriculture and Social Protection in Malawi

This paper reviews social protection and agriculture policies in Malawi in order to explore the links, […]

Growth and Social Protection Working Paper 01. Building synergies between social protection and smallholder agricultural policies

The paper explores how social protection and agricultural policies interact, creating either synergies or conflicts between […]

Groundnut rosette disease management. Final Technical Report.

This project has helped to lay the foundations for further crop improvement by developing hybrid groundnut […]

Groundnut Manual for Uganda: Recommended groundnut production practices for smallholder farmers in Uganda

Groundnut is the second most widely grown crop in Uganda and there has been substantial increase […]

Ground(nut rosette) breaking research

Groundnut is one of the most profitable crops to produce in the Teso system of eastern […]

Good practice in the molecular biology laboratory: diagnostic protocols

This Annex gives protocols related to the extraction and detection of phytoplasmas in coconut palms.

Global Summary of Baseline Household Survey Results

This report summarizes the results of a baseline household-level survey, designed by the CCAFS team and […]

Global cassava starch markets: current situation and outlook. pp. 78 – 100

Global Mapping of Agricultural Production Systems

This meeting was designed to fill a key gap in available spatial databases by bringing a […]

Giving seed-yams the credit they deserve – Validated RNRRS Output

This is one of 280 summaries describing key outputs from the projects run by DFID’s 10-year […]

Overcoming informational constraints: improving horticultural marketing and technical information flows to smallholders

Genetic Gains from 30 Years of Cassava Breeding in Nigeria for Storage Root Yield and Disease Resistance in Elite Cassava Genotypes.

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is crucial for both food security and poverty alleviation in Sub-Saharan Africa […]