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Social capital and mobility: the influence of transport on social capital networks in Kenya

This paper draws on empirical evidence from Kenya to review the relationship between transport mobility and […]

Snack bags for cows boost smallholder dairyfarms’ milk production – validated RNRRS Output

This is one of 280 summaries describing key outputs from the projects run by DFID’s 10-year […]

SNP discovery at candidate genes for drought responsiveness in rice

Characterization of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in candidate genes for drought tolerance is a promising approach […]

Social Capital and Mobility: The influence of transport on social capital networks in Kenya

Existing studies of transport and its impact on the rural poor focus largely on its role […]

Small-scale Farmer Managed Aquaculture Trials in Raichur District, Karnataka State, India. Principles of back-yard aquaculture.

This BSc Project Report comprises a 4-page description of the principles of backyard aquaculture with reference […]

Smallholders in the Era of Globalization

This presentation was given at the AHAT BSAS International Conference in Kohn Kaen, Thailand, 15 November […]

Smallholder outgrower schemes in Zambia. Research Report completed under ODA Crops Post-Harvest Programme.

Smallholder Poultry Certificationfor Pro-Poor HPAI Risk Reduction.

This brief describes a pilot study for an alternative approach carried out in Northern Viet Nam: […]

Smallholder Poultry Supply Chains inthe Ha Noi Region.

This Briefing summarizes the results of pilot surveys of poultry market participants (chicken farmers, chick producers, […]

Smallholder Contract Farmingof Swine in Northern Viet Nam:Contract Types

The rapid growth in demand for pork in Viet Nam presents an opportunity for rural swine […]

Smallholder Contract Farming of Swine in Northern Viet Nam: Type and Scale of Production

The rapid growth in demand for pork in Viet Nam presents an opportunity for rural households […]

Smallholder credit in Zimbabwe: roles of farmers, government and the private sector. Report of field work conducted in Zimbabwe during October and November 1998. Natural Resources Institute (NRI), Chatham, UK.

Smallholder credit in Uganda: roles of farmers, government and the private sector. Report of field work conducted in Uganda during September and November 1998. Natural Resources Institute (NRI), Chatham, UK.

SLSA Working Paper 6. South Africa Country Paper.

This paper presents a brief overview of social and economic conditions in South Africa’s Eastern Cape […]

Smallholder Coffee Commercialisationin Malawi.

The smallholder coffee sector in Malawi has undergone major reforms in recent years. There is anecdotal […]

Simulation Modelling of the Spread of Rice Tungro Virus Disease: The Potential for Management by Roguing

A simulation model of the dynamics of rice tungro virus disease (RTVD) was developed to assess […]

Simple steps can strengthen marketing capacity. Validated RNRRS Output.

This is one of 280 summaries describing key outputs from the projects run by DFID’s 10-year […]

Simple labour-saving ways to boost maize and riceharvests in southern Africa. Validated RNRRS Output.

This is one of 280 summaries describing key outputs from the projects run by DFID’s 10-year […]

Simple decision support for feed planning

This article highlights some old and new approaches that may be useful in assisting livestock-dependent people […]

Simple transport solutions cut drudgery andimprove livelihoods. Validated RNRRS Output.

This is one of 280 summaries describing key outputs from the projects run by DFID’s 10-year […]