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Climate change impacts on African crop production

According to the most recent IPCC report, changes in climates over the last 30 years have […]

Identifying constraining and enabling factors to the uptake of medium- and long-term climate information in decision making

This systematic review of peer-reviewed literature assesses the constrain and enabling factors to the uptake of […]

Expanding the contribution of early warning to climate-resilient agricultural development in Africa

Extreme climate events can undermine agricultural and rural development progress. Even in years when extreme events […]

Climate and livestock disease: assessing the vulnerability of agricultural systems to livestock pests under climate change scenarios

FARMD (July 2015) Livestock as a sector is extremely important to the global economy and to […]

Integrating Indigenous Knowledge with Scientific Seasonal Forecasts for Climate Risk Management in Lushoto District in Tanzania

This study identifies and documents existing indigenous knowledge (IK) in weather forecasting in the Lushoto district, […]

Which climate services do farmers and pastoralists need in Malawi?

This report presents findings from the baseline data collection exercise conducted for the Global Framework for […]

Delivering climate services for farmers and pastoralists through interactive radio

A scoping study to assess demand, opportunities, and potential for the use of interactive radio to […]

The impact of natural hazards and disasters on agriculture and food and nutrition security

Nearly a quarter of damages wrought by natural disasters on the developing world are borne by […]

Risk and finance in the coffee sector : a compendium of case studies related to improving risk management and access to finance in the coffee sector

Millions of smallholder coffee growers and coffee trading enterprises daily confront risks. The prevalence of these […]

Braving the Uncertainties of Weather: Weather index-based insurance as agriculture risk transfer mechanism for climate change adaptation and risk reduction in the Philippines

This paper scoped three pilot models of weather index-based insurance (WII) that are initiated separately by […]

Promoting Risk Financing in the Asia Pacific Region: Lessons from Agriculture Insurance in Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam

There is a growing consensus among development community that the risk insurance can provide an effective […]

Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Study – Livestock Report

Alongside expected climate changes, the LMB is undergoing significant socio-economic and physical changes affecting livestock production, […]

Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Study – Fisheries Report

This report presents the results of the fisheries component of the USAID Mekong ARCC Climate Change […]

Climate Change Impact and Adaptation Study – Agriculture Report

Growing conditions for agriculture are diverse in the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB), from the mountainous areas […]

Assessment on vulnerability of sorghum to climate change in India

It is important to analyse the impacts of climate change on target production system. However, it […]

Parasite control in pigs: Uganda smallholder pig value chain capacity development training manual

The CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish, led by the International Livestock Research Institute, started the […]

Community-based risk screening tool – adaptation and livelihoods

CRiSTAL Food Security is a decision-support tool for local-level government staff and development practitioners to support […]

Gestion durable des zones humides face aux risques climatiques au Niger: Le cas de la mare de Tabalak

Le changement climatique a le potentiel d’exacerber les conflits, de provoquer des crises humanitaires, de déplacer […]

Sustainable Wetland Management in the Face of Climate Risks in Niger: the Case of La Mare de Tabalak

Niger’s wetlands are critical to poverty reduction, food security and biodiversity conservation, especially given the limited […]

Climate Risk Management for Sustainable Crop Production in Uganda: Rakai and Kapchorwa Districts

Agriculture is the backbone of the Ugandan economy. Most of it is rain-fed and relies on […]