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GIEWS Country Briefs

GIEWS Country Briefs provide up to date information on the food security situation of developing countries. […]

Global Early Warning and Response System for Major Animal Diseases, including Zoonoses

This website provides links to reports and provides news updates on outbreaks of major animal diseases […]

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

This is the home of the FAO IPM program, with information on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) […]


A global theme project of USAID, the goal of GlobalPestInfo is to serve international agricultural pest […]

Food Safety Information Center

This is an excellent database. It is very complete and comprehensive and includes a lot of […]

National Food Safety Database

The goal of the National Food Safety Database project is to develop an efficient management system […]

Grain Price Risk Management

This website contains information on grain price risk management and provides links to further information on […]

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Access to Rural Finance

This is the FAO website for Rural Finance, and is useful as a reference for FAO […]

Optimal Hedging Under Forward-Looking Behavior

The study focuses on the production and hedging behavior of forward-looking risk-averse competitive firms. It is […]

Coping with Drought Risk in Agriculture and Water Supply Systems: Drought Management and Policy Development in the Mediterranean

The experiences in the development and implementation of drought and water scarcity management plan, in the […]

Improving Flood Risk Management in Informal Settlements of Cape Town

This is a case study and thesis project that seeks to improve flood risk management in […]

Managing Credit Risk in Rural Financial Institutions in Latin America

This report examines a sample of 42 financial institutions in Latin America that have agricultural portfolios, […]

The Growing Role of Contract Farming in Agri-Food Systems Development: Drivers, Theory and Practice

The use of contracts (either formal or informal) has become attractive to many agricultural producers worldwide […]

Insurance, credit, and technology adoption: field experimental evidence from Malawi

The adoption of new agricultural technologies may be discouraged because of their inherent riskiness. This study […]

Economic Cost of Drought and Farmers’ Coping Mechanisms : A Study of Rainfed Rice Systems in Eastern India

The main objective of this paper is to document and assess risk- coping mechanisms of farmers […]

Patterns of Rainfall Insurance Participation in Rural India

This paper describes the contract design and institutional features of an innovative rainfall insurance policy offered […]

Statistical Analysis of Rainfall Insurance Payouts in Southern India

Using 40 years of historical rainfall data, this paper estimates a distribution for payouts on rainfall […]

Risk Management in Agriculture

The management of risks is one of the great challenges for farmers in the 21st century, […]

Agricultural Insurance in Developing Countries: A Way Forward

Overview document of a way forward for FAO with agricultural insurance based on a conference held […]

Weather Risk and the Viability of Weather Insurance in Western China

This paper presents preliminary results on the possible demand for weather insurance in China and examples […]