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Integrated Weather Risk Management for Sustained Growth in Burkina Faso

This is an activity overview for GFDRR operations in Burkina Faso on Integrated Weather Risk Management […]

Preparing to Manage Natural Hazards and Climate Change Risks in Dakar, Senegal

The objective of this pilot study is two-pronged. First, the study intends to propose a new […]

Experiences in Index-Based Weather Insurance for Farmers: Lessons Learnt from India and Malawi

This presentation overviews the work by the World Bank’s Agricultural Risk Management team in index-based weather […]

Words Into Action: A Guide for Implementing the Hyogo Framework

This Guide has been created to provide advice on useful strategies for implementing the Hyogo Framework […]

Hazards of Nature, Risks to Development: An IEG Evaluation of World Bank Assistance for Natural Disasters

After a review of World Bank assistance for natural disasters in developing countries, this report recommends […]

Flood Risk Assessment: A Methodological Framework

The concepts of hazard, vulnerability and risk have been extensively used in various disciplines with a […]

US and World Agricultural Outlook 2010

The FAPRI 2010 U.S. and World Agricultural Outlook presents projections of world agriculturalproduction, consumption, and trade […]

Disaster Risk Management Systems Analysis: A Guide Book

This Guide provides a set of tools to assess existing structures and capacities of national, district […]

Potential Role for Insurance in Managing Catastrophic Risks in Developing Countries

The prevalence of natural disasters is not new and farmers, rural institutions and lenders have, over […]

High Resolution Hazard Modelling to Reduce Basis Risk: An Example from Jamaica

Using the example of Blue Mountain Coffee in Jamaica, this study analyzes the feasibility of index […]

Gridded Analysis of Meteorological Variables for Guatemala and Honduras

This project is part of the “Support to the Development of the Agricultural Insurance Market in […]

Flood Modelling for Agricultural Risk Management and Insurance

This presentation details flood modeling, experiences of flood modeling in SE Asia, satellite remote sensing, and […]

Local Risk Management: Protecting Household Asset Building and Farm Productivity from Idiosyncratic Shocks

There have been considerable recent efforts to improve risk management by using index-based risk transfer products […]

Flood Risk Assessment: A Methodological Framework

The concepts of hazard, vulnerability and risk have been extensively used in various disciplines with a […]

Insuring the Never before Insured: Explaining Index Insurance through Financial Education Games

The costs of uninsured risks for low-wealth agricultural and pastoral households are well documented. Risk makes people poor when […]

Altering Poverty Dynamics with Index Insurance: Northern Kenya’s HSNP+

This briefing note details how insurance can be a good augmenting tool for poverty alleviation as […]

Microinsurance: A Case Study of the Indian Rainfall Index Insurance Market

Rainfall index insurance provides a payout based on measured local rainfall during key phases of the […]

Microinsurance: Extending Pro-Poor Risk Management through the Social Fund Platform

Microinsurance can be an effective complement to existing menus of social protection programs. A flexible and […]

Ex Ante Financing for Disaster Risk Management and Adaptation

This is a slide presentation that details ex ante risk financing for weather-related (including El Nino, […]

Index-Based Compensation for Weather Risk in the Italian Agriculture: A Feasibility Study Based on Historical Data

The paper explores the feasibility of the use of weather index based derivatives for farms’ risk […]