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Food security and agricultural development in sub-Saharan Africa

This study aimed at drawing attention to empirical and conceptual evidence to demonstrate and make the […]

Risk management of vulnerable rural households in southeast Asia

Access to formal insurance services is scarce in developing countries. Based on empirical evidence, major risks and […]

Innovative Payment Solutions in Agricultural Value Chain as a Means for Greater Financial Inclusion

The efforts for financial inclusion need to be designed with a vision beyond just the percentage […]

Ontology-based simulation in agricultural systems modeling

A methodology and applications of ontology-based simulation are presented. An environment for building simulations based on […]

An Exploratory Study on Agriculture Risk Management Based on Ontology

With the rapid growth of information resources and increasing individual demands of farmers, the problem of […]

Models of Agriculture Risk Management with Agriculture Ontology

With economic globalization and market-oriented agricultural economy, the impact factors of agricultural risks become more complicated. […]

Reflections on the global food crisis

The dramatic surge in food prices from 2005 to 2008 seriously threatened the world’s poor, who […]

Food security, farming, and climate change to 2050

As the global population grows and incomes in poor countries rise, so too, will the demand […]

Modern variety adoption and risk management in drought prone areas: insights from the sorghum farmers of eastern Ethiopia

Adoption rates of improved or modern varieties (MV) of sorghum in eastern Ethiopia are generally low. […]

Statistical Analysis of Rainfall Insurance Payouts in Southern India

Using 40 years of historical rainfall data, this paper estimates a distribution for payouts on rainfall […]

Innovative agricultural insurance products and schemes

Farmers are exposed year round to a variety of risks, both market-related, such as price variations, […]

Weather Index Insurance: The Case for South Africa

South African smallholder farmers are faced with high yield variability due to weather related perils such […]

Designing Weather Insurance Contracts for Farmers in Malawi, Tanzania, and Kenya

While traditional insurance insures against crop failure, index insurance insures for a specific event or risk, […]

Innovations in Insurance for Weather-Related Losses: Index Insurance

The rural poor, economically dependent on agricultural production, face significant risks to their livelihoods from catastrophic […]

Disaster insurance for the poor? A review of microinsurance for natural disaster risks in developing countries

This study provides an in-depth review of microinsurance by analysing a range of case studies and […]

Weather and agri-risk solutions for emerging markets

This PowerPoint presentation from Swiss Re introduces the issues relating to weather risk management in agriculture […]

Weather and agri-risk solutions for emerging markets

This PowerPoint presentation from Swiss Re introduces the issues relating to weather risk management in agriculture […]

Assessing opportunities for agricultural insurance and risk coping strategies in Vietnam, microfinance opportunities

The Asian Development Bank is assisting the Vietnam government with the development of risk management tools […]

Natural catastrophe risk: Creating a comprehensive national plan

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in the United States has actively examined approaches to […]

Government Support to Agricultural Insurance

Governments in developing countries have been increasingly involved in the support of commercial agricultural insurance programs […]