Summary of Baseline Household Survey Results: Sarlahi, Nepal


This report summarizes the results of a baseline household-level survey, led by the Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Consortium Research Program (CCAFS), carried out in 7 villages and 140 households in Sarlahi, in southeast Nepal. The objective of this baseline effort was to describe the characteristics of the farming systems found across a wide range of research sites in 12 countries, including the Sarlahi site, and to better understand what kinds of farming practice changes households have been making and why.

The survey results show that two-thirds of households are able to obtain a sufficient amount of food to feed their families throughout an ‘average’ year with no extreme weather events. Households have been making changes in their farming practices over the last 10 years, but these are not extensive. Market-related reasons show up as the main drivers of change in land management in Sarlahi.

Focus topic
Agricultural Value Chains / Agri-Businesses, Capacity Development
Focus region
Asia and the Pacific

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