Forecasts prevent crop damage by migrant pests in southern Africa – Validated RNRRS Output


This is one of 280 summaries describing key outputs from the projects run by DFID’s 10-year Renewable Natural Resources Research Strategy (RNRRS) programmes.

Summary for Project titles: R8315: Establishment of satellite ICOSAMP systems and improved migrant pest reporting network and R7890: Establishment of an information core for southern African migrant pests (ICOSAMP).

Twelve countries in southern Africa—Angola, Botswana, D.R. Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe—now use a new early warning system to prevent large-scale damage to crops by migrant pests. It’s vital to deal with insect and bird pests before they become a serious problem. But they appear suddenly, multiply rapidly and disappear just as quickly. Now, each country sends in regular reports that are fed into a database. This shows what’s happening with pests and where. The information helps pest officers forecast imminent outbreaks and issue warnings so that farmers can take preventive action. Active cooperation between countries has been crucial to the system’s success, as pests don’t respect national borders.

The CD has the following information for this output: Description, Validation, Current Situation, Current Promotion, Impacts On Poverty, Environmental Impact. Attached PDF (11 pp.) taken from the CD.

Focus topic
Health & Diseases
Focus region
Sub-Saharan Africa

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