9:00 am

WEBINAR REPLAY | Commercialization of Agriculture in Africa

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Hosted by:
Pan-African Farmers Organization
Webinar Link

The Session 17 on “Agricultural Commercialization in Africa” was moderated by Eastern Africa Farmers Federation & SACAU with Farmers Organizations (FOs) representatives who discussed:
🔹 Intricacies of agricultural commercialization across the continent.
🔹 The agribusiness potential of the continent.
🔹 Barriers to agricultural commercialisation.
🔹 FOs shared experiences on their contributions to agricultural commercialisation in their respective regions.
🔹 The role of farmers organisations in promoting agricultural commercialisation and how to improve compliance with the AfCFTA Secretariat for better global market penetration.

Focus Region:
Middle East & North Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa
Focus Topic:
Agricultural Value Chains / Agri-Businesses
Market / Trade