2:30 pm

Understanding the New Dynamics of Agrifood Trade, Perspectives by Pascal Lamy

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Hosted by:
International Food Policy Research Institute
Webinar Link

Geopolitical tensions, as well as conflicts at the regional, national, and local levels, climate change and sustainability challenges, and the troubling rise in the number of malnourished people worldwide form part of the complex web of factors shaping agrifood dynamics, and in turn, trade policies and negotiations.

The lecture will be offered by IFPRI Board Chair Pascal Lamy, a foremost expert in international trade matters, who served as the European Union’s Trade Commissioner and as the World Trade Organization’s Director General. In examining past, present, and possible future dynamics of agrifood trade, Lamy will focus on evolving implications for developing countries and set forth potential approaches to aligning trade policies with the imperatives of sustainability, climate change adaptation and mitigation, food security, and poverty reduction.

The lecture will be followed by comments from a panel of international trade experts and a Q&A session.

Focus Region:
Focus Topic:
Market / Trade