This live talk is organised by the African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP).
Below is a list of panellists and questions they will address:
- Mr. Rajiv Ram Senior Fertilizer Demand analyst – CRU London
- GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE: Effect of Covid-19 or Lockdown on fertilizer trade
- Mr. Victor Otieno Country Sales Agronomist: Yara East Africa
- REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE: How cross border Transport is affecting fertilizer trade since Yara is not a local fertilizer blender in Uganda?
- Mr. Gilbert Kato Country Sales Agronomist: ETG
- How are you meeting market demands and Subsidy program targets amidst the crisis? (demand high or low)
- Ms. Sophie Mirembe Inputs and Outputs Manager: Grainpulse Ltd
- As a local blender, has the lockdown affected the cost of raw materials for blending?
- Has this affected price of fertilizers?
- How are you meeting market demands and Subsidy targets program amidst the crisis?
- Ms. Nakanwagi Josephine MAAIF/Subsidy program representative
- How are you managing your activities (farmer registration, enrollment and distribution of inputs amidst the crisis?
- How far are you from the targets?
- Any interventions instituted due to the crisis?
- Mr. Kato Hassan Director Kham farmer Services Ltd AFAP supported hub
- Sharing copying strategies as an importer and last mile input distributor and price changes?
- Mrs. Esther Kesware Co-Founder: Akorion
- Sharing input distribution intervention done online during the pandemic
- Mr. Musinguzi James Director M & J Multipurpose Enterprises Ltd: AFAP supported hub
- Sharing last mile input distribution experiences to smallholder farmers and price changes
Please register for Effect of COVID-19 or Lockdown on Fertilizer Trade amidst the peak of a cropping season.
Thursday, April 30, 2020:
- 3:00 PM CAT (South Africa)
- 4:00 PM EAT (Uganda, Kenya)
- 2:00 PM BST (UK, London)
- 9:00 AM EDT (USA – Washington, New York)