2009: FARM-D is launched by the World Bank with funds from the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) of Switzerland and theĀ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. The launch took place in October during an inaugural workshop in Lucerne, Switzerland, and it was a first step to fill the gaps in knowledge exchange and interaction among organizations involved in ARM.
2010-2018: FARM-D emerges as a catalysed space for systematic sharing of knowledge, experiences, and perspectives in the field of ARM. Over 7,000 members become part of the community.
2019: FARM-D is handed over to the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM), a multi-donor initiative funded by the European Commission (EC), the French Development Agency (AFD), the Italian Development Cooperation (DGCS), and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), in strategic partnership with NEPAD andĀ KfW/German Cooperation.
2020: Under PARM management, FARM-D is re-designed to provide an enhanced user experience and a more interactive platform for ARM practitioners. While continuing to facilitate knowledge-sharing and promote good practices to manage agricultural risks in developing countries, the new platform provides new features like expertise location, expert corners and direct interactions among members.